opencv - How do I detect small blobs using EmguCV? -

i'm trying track position of robot overhead webcam. however, don't have access robot or environment, have been working snapshots webcam.
robot has 5 bright leds positioned strategically different enough color robot , environment isolate.
have been able using emgucv, resulting in binary image 1 below. question now, how positions of 5 blobs , use positions determine position , orientation of robot?

i have been experimenting class, stubbornly refuses detect blobs in above image. being bit of newbie when comes of this, i'm not sure doing wrong.
best method of obtaining positions of blobs in above image?

i can't tell how emgucv in particular, you'd need translate calls opencv emgucv. you'd use cv::findcontours blobs , cv::moments position of blobs (the formula middle points of blobs in documentation of cv::moments). you'd use cv::estimaterigidtransform position , orientation of robot.


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