mySQL count frequency of one-many links -

suppose have 2 tables:

people ======= id name  jobs ===== id jobname person_id 

person may have many jobs.

i want count frequency of number of jobs people have. example 10 people have 0 jobs, 15 people have 1 job, 3 people have 2 jobs, 2 people have 3 jobs

i able count of number of jobs per person per:

select, count( jobcount jobs = jobs.person_id group order trancount  personid   jobcount  1          1  2          1  3          2  ... 

but stuck @ summing these frequency.

can group them in outer select statement?

select jobcount, count(peoplecount) (   select peoplecount, count( jobcount   jobs = jobs.person_id   group ) frequency group jobcount 


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