jquery - Approach to handle javascript on bigger projects? -

after discovering jquery few years ago, realized how easy make interactive , user friendly websites without writing books of code. projects increased in size, did time required carry out debugging or perhaps implementing change or new feature.

from reading various blogs , staying updated, i've read libraries similar backbone.js , javascriptmvc both sound alternatives in order make code more modular , separated.

however being far javascript or jquery expert, not not suited tell what's cornerstone in project future ease of maintainability, debugging , development prioritized.

so in mind - what's common sense when starting project javascript , jquery stands majority of user experience , data presentation user?

thanks lot

both backbone.js , javascriptmvc great examples of using framework organize large projects in sane way (sproutcore , cappuccino nice too). suggest choose standard way of deal data server, handling events dom , responses sever, , view creation. otherwise can maintenance nightmare.

beyond mvc framework, should choose solution these problems:

  • dependency management: how compile , load javascript files in right order? suggestion requirejs.
  • testing: testing ui code never easy guys on @ jquery have been doing while , testing tool qunit documented/tested.
  • minification: you'll want minify code before deploying production requirejs has built in use closure compiler if want crazy small source.
  • build system: these tools great should pull them in 1 master build system can run simple command on commandline , have debug or production application. specific tool use depends on language of choice - ruby => rake, python -> write own, nodejs build tool (i option most) -> jake

beyond aware if feels clunky or slow (either tooling or framework) , refactor.


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