java - Why my gadget is not receiving data? -

i have application on appspot. on personal domain account.

i have put igoogle gadget on igoogle page of gmail account.

i sending ajax request gadget :

          $(document).ready(function(){                 jquery.ajax({                     type: "get",                     url: "",                     success: function(msg){                         alert(msg);                         if('tr') != -1){                             id = msg.split('</tr>').length - 1;                             //alert(id);                             $('#amounttable').append(msg);                             difference();                         }else if('form') != -1){                             $('#gadget').css('display', 'none');                             document.write(msg);                         }else if('http') != -1){                             document.location = msg;                             $('#amounttable').append(msg);                         }                      },error: function(xmlhttprequest, textstatus, errorthrown){                         alert("xmlhttprequest: " + xmlhttprequest.responsetext);                         alert("textstatus : " + textstatus.responsetext);                         alert("errorthrown : "+ errorthrown);                     }                 });             }); 

there nothing shown in xmlhttprequest & errorthrown alerts. but, there "error" shown in textstatus !

now, link "" shown in red , when open "" inspect element in mozilla, returns me required data ! how attach gadget ?

my request servlet in java. reference : jquery.ajax()

also, have tested web application. working !

without seeing error message or , error code it's hard tell issue is, post, think it's cross-domain scripting issue. can't xmlhttprequest different domain. (e.g. cannot xmlhttprequest without throwing error).

try add access-control-allow-origin header response of controller handles requestservlet endpoint.

for more information of access-control-allow-origin header, see thread:

access-control-allow-origin multiple origin domains?


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