how to create a text file in MVC3 using c# -

i wanna ask how generate or create textfile, becuase want display data in database text.

im using c# in mvc 3

thank much! answer apreciated.

if want return data database in text file downloaded user's local computer, create action in controller in sample:

using; using system.text;        public class somecontroller {      // action create text file 'your_file_name.txt' data     // string variable 'string_with_your_data', downloaded     // browser     public filestreamresult createfile() {         //todo: add data database string:         var string_with_your_data = "";          var bytearray = encoding.ascii.getbytes(string_with_your_data);         var stream = new memorystream(bytearray);          return file(stream, "text/plain", "your_file_name.txt");        }  } 

then can create actionlink action on view trigger file download:

@html.actionlink("download text file", "createfile", "somecontroller ") 

i hope helps!


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