C#: Unable to create DirectX device. Neither Hardware type or Software type works -

i'm trying create directx device through following code:

caps devicecapability; int deviceadapter = manager.adapters.default.adapter;  try {     devicecapability = manager.getdevicecaps(         deviceadapter, devicetype.hardware); } catch (exception ex1) {     try     {         devicecapability = manager.getdevicecaps(             deviceadapter, devicetype.software);     }     catch (exception ex2)     {         devicecapability = manager.getdevicecaps(             deviceadapter, devicetype.reference);     } }  createflags deviceflags = createflags.softwarevertexprocessing; if(devicecapability.devicecaps.supportshardwaretransformandlight == true) {     deviceflags = createflags.hardwarevertexprocessing; }  mdevice = new device(deviceadapter, devicecapability.devicetype,     minvisiblepanel, deviceflags, mpresentparams); 

the problem works on computers (such work computer), while doesn't on others (to specific, panasonic cf-19 toughbook). i've checked make sure offending pc has hardware acceleration enabled via dxdiag, , still doesn't budge.

unfortunately, error message is, "error on application." i've stuck several message boxes between above code, , never seems hit ex1 , ex2 catch block.

any ideas on how fix this?

edit: sorry, realized forgot show presentparameters.

// setup device parameters presentparameters mpresentparams = new presentparameters(); mpresentparams.windowed = true; mpresentparams.swapeffect = swapeffect.discard; mpresentparams.autodepthstencilformat = depthformat.d16; mpresentparams.enableautodepthstencil = true; ///* todo: anti-aliasing not working mpresentparams.multisample = multisampletype.nonmaskable; mpresentparams.multisamplequality = 0; 

solved it. darn, feel stupid already.

reducing presentparameters these 3 lines made work on toughbook.

// setup device parameters presentparameters mpresentparams = new presentparameters(); mpresentparams.windowed = true; mpresentparams.swapeffect = swapeffect.discard; 


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