winapi - Deleting contents of silverlight isolated storage from an MSI -

i have scenario msi needs delete contents of silverlight isolated storage directory particular silverlight app. since location of isolated storage app different user-to-user/machine-to-machine, msi can't directly , needs call out sort of script/executable job done. question 2 parts

  1. what's best way determine location of silverlight isolated storage particular silverlight app? current thinking walk folders underneath <user>\appdata\locallow\microsoft\silverlight\is\ , find id.dat file matches app.

  2. what framework/language should use write program (1) above , delete contents of folder? have few external dependencies possible; e.g., .net, msi require user have .net delete couple of files (unfortunately, unacceptable).

for (2), i'm thinking straight win32 app or vbscript, have no experience win32, , i'm not sure of hurdles may need jump through if people have disabled vbscript security reasons.

to identify directory i'd write empty file guid - maybe assembly guid. way don't have crack open file, file scan , find guid match , there directory.

to deletion, can use either cscript or vbscript , wscript host (google , you'll see scads of examples).


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