Using JavaScript from Selenium RC by Java -

i have following function in user-extensions.js

file:selenium.prototype.dotyperepeated = function(locator, text) {     // locator-strategies automatically handled "findelement"     var element =;      // create text type     var valuetotype = text + text;      // replace element text new text, valuetotype); }; 

i using selenium rc java. have java class file "". used following line in java file call javascript function typerepeated():

selenium.geteval("typerepeated(\"txtappcode\", \"service5\")"); //txtappcode textfield , service5 inputted text on textfield 

when ran java file using eclipse, found following error:

com.thoughtworks.selenium.seleniumexception: error: threw exception: object expected

pls suggest me how can solve it.

you need use docommand method fire off new command have created. there documentation @


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