Printing Infopath form 2010(.xml) in Sharepoint 2010 -

my question related printing infopath 2010 form in sharepoint 2010.i designed infopath 2010 form in infopath designer 2010 , published form library in sharepoint 2010.the end user fill form , store in .xml format in document print form filled end user? ideas or suggestion above scenario?please consider both browser based forms , normal forms

thanking in advance.

for normal forms, have create print view. create word document can printed user's workstations. here link how design view printing:

unfortunately word print views not supported web-based forms. option create infopath view , design "print": controls labels or read only; sections visible, etc.

[update] @surendra j: ok. there 2 things address separately.

first of user should able request "print" operation right sharepoint view (and don't mean "browser->file->print"....) can implemented using custom ecb action. custom action associated forms library or specific contenttype. allow sharepoint users choose "print form" right sharepoint view. these links should help:

second issue make print view xml. can understand infopath xml has transformed html or image. preferably should done infopath forms library. there no easy way navigate given infopath view without mixing rules , url parameters. recommend take @ article:

disclaimer: pdf forms product not have print issues forms dynamic pdfs , works adobe reader. believe alternative infopath if printing necessary.


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