Printing Infopath form 2010(.xml) in Sharepoint 2010 -

my question related printing infopath 2010 form in sharepoint 2010.i designed infopath 2010 form in infopath designer 2010 , published form library in sharepoint 2010.the end user fill form , store in .xml format in document print form filled end user? ideas or suggestion above scenario?please consider both browser based forms , normal forms

by default infopath print , work might want format things differently.

create new view craft way want. print views, might want create controls show data in label format rather text boxes , display things yes/no fields text. take work can build out view that's customized print media.

once you've created view select page design tab , under properties view click on print settings. there can set default print view, headers/footers are, etc.


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