passing assumed-shape arrays in two levels of subroutines (Fortran 90) -

i have had problems calling successive subroutines assumed-shape arrays in fortran 90. more specifically, call 2 levels of subroutines, passing assumed-shape array parameter, in end array lost. demonstrate it, 1 can follow code below.

  program main    interface      subroutine sub1(x)        real, dimension(:):: x        real c      end subroutine sub1       subroutine sub2(x)        real, dimension(:):: x        real c      end subroutine sub2   end interface    real, dimension(:), allocatable:: x    allocate(x(1:10)) ! first executable command in main   x(1) = 5.   call sub1(x)   write(*,*) 'result = ',x(1)   deallocate(x)   end program main    subroutine sub1(x) ! first subroutine   real, dimension(:):: x   real c   call sub2(x)   end subroutine sub1    subroutine sub2(x) ! second subroutine   real, dimension(:):: x   real c   c2=x(1)   end subroutine sub2 

very shortly, main allocates x call sub1(x). sub1 calls sub2(x). means allocated array passed subroutine passes subroutine. expect have in sub2 same array i've created in main, no. using gdb tool explore it, this:

1) in main, before calling sub1, array x defined:

(gdb) p x
$1 = (5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

2) within sub1, before calling sub2, x defined:

(gdb) p x
$2 = (5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

3) inside sub2, however, x have unexpected value , dimension absolutely wrong:

(gdb) p x
$3 = ()
(gdb) whatis x
type = real(4) (0:-1)

so, x has been passed main sub1, not sub1 sub2. i've been using intel fortran gfortran same results.

i've struggling long time. appreciated.

the use of assumed-shape dummy arguments requires explicit interface. in main program you've provided explicit interfaces 2 subroutines, these don't propagate subroutines themselves. subroutines compiled separate units, if you've put code 1 source file.
means sub1 doesn't have explicit interface available sub2, , uses implicit interface, argument x assumed real scalar.

all avoided putting 2 subroutines in module , use module in main program, automatically making explicit interfaces available. way don't have provide interfaces yourself, error prone.

as side note, advise use of implicit none in code.


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