javascript - jquery: onclick change background color -

i have following ul - li html.

<ul> <li><span id='select1'>text</span></li> <li><span id='select2'>text</span></li> <li><span id='select3'>text</span></li> <li><span id='select4'>text</span></li> <li><span id='select5'>text</span></li> <li><span id='select6'>text</span></li> </ul> 

if click on specific <span>, background color should changed. i.e. if click on span having id='select3', background-color should changed.

how can done using jquery?

try 1 :

$('li span[id^="select"]').click(function(){    $(this).css('background-color',"#ccc") }) 

what is, clicking span inside li having id starting 'select' changes backgound color.


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