java - Point me in the right direction on NLP datastructures and search algorithm -

i've got school assignment make language analyzer that's able guess language of input. assignment states has done pre-parsing language defined texts , making statistics letters used, combinations of letter etc , making guess based on data.

the data structure we're supposed use simple multi-dimensional hashtables i'd take opportunity learn bit more implementing structures etc. what'd i'd know read about. knowledge of algorithms limited i'm keen on learning if point me in right direction.

without real knowledge , reading on different posts i'm planing on studying undirected graphs datastructure letter combinations (and somehow storing statistics within graph well) , boyer-moore per-word search algorithm.

am totally on wrong track , these impossible implement in situation or there else superior problem?

if can hands on copy of cormen et al. "introduction algorithms"

it's very book read on data structures , algorithms.


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