How to return failed validation parameters to a rails model form that doesn't know what page it's on? -

i have small contact request form appears on every page in site. form submits requestscontroller create method. if goes well, request saved in requests table , e-mail sent. if validation fails, redirect referrer page.

here create action...

def create   @request =[:request])   @location = location.find(params[:location_id])    if     podsmailer.contact_request(@request, @location).deliver     podsmailer.contact_confirmation(@request, @location).deliver     flash[:notice] = "thanks! message sent. contact shortly."     redirect_to :back   else     flash[:notice] = "errors -- please check form"     flash[:errors] = @request.errors     redirect_to ??????   end end 

my question when validation fails, how redirect referrer , send values entered form user? can't use named route because don't know request coming from.

"redirect_to :back" works fine itself. can't figure out how send parameters. flash hash makes through fine. there's got simple i'm missing.

i have tried passing params hash (:params => params[:request]) every combination can imagine of redirect_to :back, url_for, request.referer... no luck.

i imagine there way manually build url , tack on query parameters, though i'm not sure how that. wondering if there rails trick passing parameters in situation. also, i'd implement server-side solution before adding ajax solution.

any appreciated. first question here. i've done correctly.


best here use ajax , validation on client (that don't mean deny server vilidation).

but suggest hacky solution:

def create   @request =[:request])   @location = location.find(params[:location_id])    if     podsmailer.contact_request(@request, @location).deliver     podsmailer.contact_confirmation(@request, @location).deliver     flash[:notice] = "thanks! message sent. contact shortly."     redirect_to :back   else     flash[:notice] = "errors -- please check form"     flash[:errors] = @request.errors     referer = request.referer.gsub(/\?.*/, "")     redirect_to referer + "?" + params[:request].map{|k,v| "request[#{k}]=#{v}"}.join("&")   end end 

but should in request form this:

<%= form_for[:request]) |f| %> ... 

or remove controller


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