c# - Comparing two dates by week in a .NET entity framework LINQ query? -

is there easy way of comparing weeks in 2 dates this...

var times = (from d in db.timeset              d.eventdate.week) == datetime.thisweek &&                                       d.employee.username == username              select d).tolist(); 

public static int getweeknumber(datetime date) {         cultureinfo ci = cultureinfo.currentculture;         int weeknum = ci.calendar.getweekofyear(date, calendarweekrule.firstfourdayweek, dayofweek.monday);         return weeknum; } 


var times = (from d in db.timeset              getweeknumber(d.eventdate) == getweeknumber(datetime.now) &&                                       d.employee.username == username              select d).tolist(); 

you might want calendarweekrule pick 1 fits needs.


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