php - How do I get serialize data on wordpress -

how serialize data on wordpress database?


option_name               option_value ----------------------------------------------------------- widget_example-widget     a:3:{i:2;a:0:{}i:6;a:4:{s:5:"title";s:14:"example widget";s:4:"name";s:8:"john doe";s:3:"age";s:2:"30";s:3:"sex";s:4:"male";}s:12:"_multiwidget";i:1;} 

example want call sex , use

$sex = get_option('widget_example-widget'); echo $sex['sex']; 

it return empty , when try var_dump result below

array(3) {   [2]=>   array(0) {   }   [6]=>   array(4) {     ["title"]=>     string(14) "example widget"     ["name"]=>     string(8) "john doe"     ["age"]=>     string(2) "30"     ["sex"]=>     string(4) "male"   }   ["_multiwidget"]=>   int(1) } 

actually can retrieve data add $sex['6']['sex'] problem here [6]=> dynamic. when activate/deactivate widget can in value.


how correct data one?

i'm not sure of want, maybe try function check every array see if "sex" index isset, , return value if is. not efficient should anyway...


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