ruby - Testing gems within a Rails App -

i'm attempting test service calling anemone.crawl correctly. have following code:


class spiderservice < baseservice   require 'anemone'   attr_accessor :url   def initialize(url)     self.url = url   end   def crawl_site     anemone.crawl(url) |anemone|     end   end end 


require 'spec_helper' require 'anemone'  describe spiderservice   describe "initialize"     let(:url) { mock("url") }      subject { }      "should store url in instance variable"       subject.url.should == url     end   end    describe "#crawl_site"     let(:spider_service) { mock("spider service") }     let(:url) { mock("url") }      before       spiderservice.stub(:new).and_return(spider_service)       spider_service.stub(:crawl_site)       anemone.stub(:crawl).with(url)     end      subject { spider_service.crawl_site }      "should call anemone.crawl url"       anemone.should_receive(:crawl).with(url)       subject     end    end end 

and here's error i'm getting, , can't understand, since can call service in rails console , data anemone when provide valid url:

failures:    1) spiderservice#crawl_site should call anemone.crawl url      failure/error: anemone.should_receive(:crawl).with(url)      (anemone).crawl(#<rspec::mocks::mock:0x82bdd454 @name="url">)          expected: 1 time          received: 0 times      # ./spec/services/spider_service_spec.rb:28 

please tell me i've forgotten silly (i can blame lack of coffee then, instead of general incompetence!)

thank time,


your subject calls method on mock object you're created (mock("spider_service")), not real spiderservice object. you've stubbed call on mock spider service nothing, calling in subject nothing, hence why test fails.

also, you've stubbed new (although never call it) on spiderservice return mock object. when you're testing spiderservice you'll want have real instances of class otherwise method calls not behave on real instance of class.

the following should achieve want:

describe "#crawl_site"   let(:spider_service) { }   let(:url) { mock("url") }    before     anemone.stub(:crawl).with(url)   end    subject { spider_service.crawl_site }    "should call anemone.crawl url"     anemone.should_receive(:crawl).with(url)     subject   end  end 

you might want move require 'anenome' outside of class definition available elsewhere.


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