Last login time of Windows Domain user who used Cached Credentials? -

the following snippet queries domain controller last login time of domain user account:

private static datetime lastlogontimeofdomainuser(string username, string domain) {     datetime latestlogon = datetime.minvalue;      directorycontext context = new directorycontext(directorycontexttype.domain, domain);      string servername = null;      domaincontrollercollection dcc = domaincontroller.findall(context);      foreach (domaincontroller dc in dcc)     {         directorysearcher ds;          using (dc)         using (ds = dc.getdirectorysearcher())         {             ds.filter = string.format("(samaccountname={0})", username);             ds.propertiestoload.add("lastlogon");             ds.sizelimit = 1;              searchresult sr = ds.findone();              if (sr != null)             {                 datetime lastlogon = datetime.minvalue;                 if ("lastlogon"))                 {                     lastlogon = datetime.fromfiletime((long)["lastlogon"][0]);                 } 

let's suppose user has disconnected laptop lan , has re-logged-in using windows cached credentials.

how obtain time of last login using cached credentials (obviously must kept locally somewhere?)

i @ process creation time winlogon prefer find more correct way


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