Is there any native app for Android FAX? -

i want develop fax application.i searched on google , found links ,applications developing fax apps on android.but want develop application using native app sites read free web services available sending/receiving fax using android mobile application.but don't want use third party services due security reasons.was android provided native app?otherwise please give me advise way better develope application?

the fax communication option embedded in gsm protocol since beginning, it's natural design. uses optional gsm data tranfer protocol fax transmission, lame gsm audio quality isn't enough.

there's no analogue demodulation when fax goes on gsm network, converts digital on entering provider's pbx.

get old nokia 9500 had implemented symbian-based fax application default, worked perfect on gsm-provider. on providers, needed enable additional phone number receiving facsimile messages, on phones siemens m55 receive fax clicking menu option on incoming call main cell line.

i think google responsible providing users appropriate gsm faxing software free, of mobile manufacturers did before. present on play market search 'fax' or 'facsimile' junk.

p.s. there special protocol fax transmission on voip lines, it's t.38 or g.711 pass-through; if provider/nodes , hardware supports 1 of lucky send , receive faxes on internet connection well. eg. own working set of hardware brother 9440/planet vip-156/


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