ejb - Implementing CORBA interface in JBoss -

i'm looking tutorial or additional information on how make ejb (or underlying mbean) accessible via corba.

this i've found: http://www.jboss.org/jbossiiop

i have existing corba server (java-based, non-standard) , want allow call jboss mbean. mbean exposed via rmi using ejb (v2.1).

the current appserver target version jboss-eap-4.3.

edit: i'm hoping question vague answered here's update:

i want ejb running in jboss register corba orb running on remote separate server. @ least think do. existing corba client connects services via defined idl/interface i'm trying implement via jboss ejb. @ point, said client connects several instances of same interface pull information , manage local (same process) services via interface. want jboss ejb dropped in implementation of corba idl.

my understanding of corba rusty , weak begin i'm not getting far. can run orb in jboss enough, it's not clear me how set binding "legacy" corba orb can find it. can change part of jboss implementation make work, changing other server difficult.

is there way ejb register remote server (ala jndi)? existing client able connect jacorb without adding jboss specific classes?

in short have implement adapter, deploy in jboss, register remote namingservice. in adapter implementation call mbeans.

now more in details have corba idl, generate stubs , skeletons.

interface stock {     int getquote( in string company); }; 

you provide necessary implementation

public class stockimpl extends stockpoa {   public int getquote(string company) {      //forward call mbean here   } } 

you usual corba registration stuff. like:

org.omg.corba.orb orb = org.omg.corba.orb.init(...); org.omg.portableserver.poa poa = org.omg.portableserver.poahelper.narrow(orb.resolve_initial_references("rootpoa"));  poa.the_poamanager().activate();  namingcontextext nc = namingcontextexthelper.narrow(orb.resolve_initial_references("nameservice"));  namecomponent [] name = new namecomponent[1];  org.omg.corba.object o = poa.servant_to_reference( new stockimpl(orb,poa)); name[0] = new namecomponent( "stock", "server"); nc.bind(name, o);  orb.run(); 

now object registered in remote namingservice , accessible via corba.

you have include corba jars in jboss classpath.


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