delphi - Using C++ DLL in D10 -

i use c++ dll in app.

type   tcl_bla = function(filename: pchar): integer; cdecl;  var   cl_bla: tcl_bla;  function calllibraryproc(proc: string): pointer; begin   result := getprocaddress(handle, pchar(proc));   if not assigned(result)     loaded := false;   if not loaded     messagebox(0, pchar('error => ' + proc), 'alert', mb_ok or mb_topmost); end; ...     handle := safeloadlibrary(   pchar(currentpath + dll),   sem_failcriticalerrors or sem_nogpfaulterrorbox or sem_noopenfileerrorbox ); if (handle < hinstance_error)   raise exception.create(     dll + ' library can not loaded or not found.' + syserrormessage(getlasterror)   ); if handle <> 0 begin   // blabla     cl_bla := calllibraryproc('cl_bla'); end; ...     freelibrary(handle); 

the codes aboves works fine d6. i'm trying port code can run in delphi unicode support have trouble.

i've read documentation embarcadero getprocaddress

procedure calllibraryproc(const libraryname, procname: string); var   handle: thandle;   registerproc: function: hresult stdcall; begin   handle := loadolecontrollibrary(libraryname, true);   @registerproc := getprocaddress(handle, pansichar(ansistring(procname))); end; 

i can't try because don't know how declare loadolecontrollibrary!

my calllibraryproc can load dll somehow cl_bla works incorrectly.

i think problem code because of getprocaddress's parameter or.. maybe ported header wrong.

i may post this answer, because seems answer!

the code d6 code work fine unmodified in d2010, , have same meaning. there 2 getprocaddress overloads in windows.pas. 1 of them converts unicode ansi. can call getprocaddress(handle, pchar(proc)) did.

the magic 1 looks this:

function getprocaddress(hmodule: hmodule; lpprocname: lpcwstr): farproc; begin   if ulong_ptr(lpprocname) shr 16 = 0 // is_intresource     result := getprocaddress(hmodule, lpcstr(lpprocname))   else     result := getprocaddress(hmodule, lpcstr(ansistring(lpprocname))); end; 


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