Borland Delphi 7 - Windows 7 Problems -

several borland delphi 7 applications having problems when executed on windows 7 pc.

one process working on xp pc not working on 7 pc deletes file , moves file.

the process uses these commands:



idglobal.copyfileto(filepathandnamecurrent, filepathandnamenew) 

here error message:

[dbnetlib][connectionwrite (send()).]general network error. check network documentation

the copyfileto function moves file user pc network folder. user has access folder.

i thinking these functions not compatible 7. can confirm? without re-writing these applications in c#, running xp mode on 7 pc solution?

the error message provide has nothing copying or deleting file, suspect issue isn't functions mention. dbnetlib is, if recall correctly, means connecting sql server or other databases.

apparently application cannot reach sql server (or other database) instance. perhaps connection string incorrect, or network connection interrupted, or have firewall rule preventing connectivity.


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