Android: textView-set y-coordinate dynamically -

i tried using textview.settranslationy(float) change y-coordinate of textview not seem work. textview.settop() seems same function documentation says method meant called layout system , should not called otherwise, because property may changed @ time layout. use textview.gettranslationy() y-coordinate.

how can set y-coordinate of textview? if doing above wrong, kindly suggest alternative way. maybe there method set y-coordinate have not found yet!

my situation: have textview height should change based on value received. if use textview.setheight(int), height increases top bottom. want increase bottom top. change y-coordinate of textview every time set it's height.



screen shot of layout:

my layout

what if change height of textview only? said...

the height increases top bottom

so... in case can align textview @ bottom. instance, if using relativelayout container of textview, can use android:layout_alignparentbottom="true".


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