android - Does using the ActionBar in Honeycomb really mean i have to create an extra App? -

last week began honeycomb update app , since documentation has become available. 1 of big things change in app use of actionbar. little disappointed following sentence doumentation:

however, if want use action bar apis, such add tabs or modify action bar styles, need set android:minsdkversion "11", can access actionbar class.

does mean have create app if want take advantage of actionbar or there way around this?

no, bit of documentation incorrect. need android:targetsdkversion="11", plus proper settings in options menu xml resource, use action bar.

if wish use features of action bar require access methods exist on api level 11 , higher, need take care not execute portion of code on older devices. here sample project put custom view action bar, try configure view on honeycomb or higher. same code works fine on older versions of android, 1.6.


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