windows - Looking for a simple audio playback library for C++ -

i'm working on simple audio player, going quite well, using qt , everything. i'm in need of solid simple audio library. don't need fancy such 3d sound , know else these things got nowadays. i'm looking simple , efficient.

a list of features i'm looking for:

  1. audio playback files
  2. .ogg, .mp3 , .flac should supported @ least.
  3. should able pause playback.
  4. i planning use in c++

see. nothing huge or anything, @ same time having hard time finding suitable. platform i'm targeting windows 7.

anyone out there knows might looking for?

the best possible choice in opinion bass audio library, not open source, free non-commercial use.

it used aimp2 audio player, can use check sound quality, natively supports lot of formats including mp3 , ogg, , uses plugins support more, including flac.


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