Set property of vba class with object reference -

i have class module, named normal, in vba following code:

private mline lineelement  public property line() lineelement     line = mline end property  public property set line(byref vline lineelement)     mline = vline end property 

this class used following code:

sub run     dim line lineelement     set line = new lineelement      dim norm normal     set norm = new normal     set norm.line = line 'fails here "object variable or block variable not set"' end sub 

also, if change code in normal class module to:

private mline lineelement  public property line() lineelement     line = mline end property  public sub setline(byref vline lineelement) 'changed property sub'     mline = vline end property 

and failing line

norm.setline( line ) 

i "object not support property or method" error. doing wrong in both of these cases?

try this:

private mline lineelement  public property line() lineelement     set line = mline end property  public property set line(byref vline lineelement)     set mline = vline   'note added set keyword in line' end property 


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