push notification - Windows Phone 7 - how to send files from/to the app? -

i'm trying write basic application windows phone 7 , want able send files (specifically xml in case changes anything) app. have wcf service setup can send push notifications through it. problem there limit on amount of raw data can send via push notification.

my solution send initial push notification (either tile or raw) alert application want send file , make app somehow communicate server (everything on personal computer btw - i'm trying figure out how things work) - app recieve/download files.

what easiest way accomplish this? note i'm not concerned security or that.

clarification - question essentialy: how transfer files from/to server to/from phone? assume else handled - app , running , user has given or give permissions every possible thing may give permission to.

unfortunately, total size of push notification (including http headers) 1kb. means can't used send large amounts of data.

instead of sending whole file, send notification (raw or toast—as appropriate) should treated application trigger go , retrieve new file/data/whatever server. may worth checking new messages when app starts. however, if when start app notify server ready receive raw notifications , such messages sent indicating new content available, may unnecessary add check.

to transfer files to/from phone need use either httpwebrequest or webclient way use http on device , http protocol available transfer data.

while webclient may appear easier use httpwebrequest less flexible , automatically perform it's callback on ui thread , if you're downloading files in background don't want this.

there no way transfer files to/from conencted pc , have them exclusively available app.


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