php - Handling Array field post data -

i searched forum , couldn't find appropriate answer question, array post handling quite new me. have html form array fields,

<input type="text" name="title[]" /> <input type="text" name="desc[]" /> <input type="text" name="cate[]" />  

fields generated php , not know how many similar array fields there be. when output post following multidimensional array.

array (     [title] => array         (             [0] => title 1             [1] => title 2             [2] => title 3         )      [desc] => array         (             [0] => description 1             [1] => description 2             [2] => description 3         )      [cate] => array         (             [0] => cat 1             [1] => cat 2             [2] => cat 3         )) 

now problem want insert them in db using php foreach. like..:

foreach($_post arraydata) {     insert sometable(title,desc,cata)values(title[0],desc[0],cate[0]); } 

i tried tricks, merging, joining, explode etc, think there's no exact solution probem below can easy insert them 1 1 thank you:

(     [0] => array         (             [title] => title 1             [desc] => description 1             [cate] => cat 1         )     [1] => array         (             [title] => title 2             [desc] => description 2             [cate] => cat 2         )      [2] => array         (             [title] => title 3             [desc] => description 3             [cate] => cat 3         )) 

$title = $_post['title']; $desc = $_post['desc']; $cate = $_post['cate']; for($i=1 ; $i < count($title) ; $i++) {     insert sometable(title,desc,cata)values($title[$i],$desc[$i],$cate[$i]); } 


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