objective c - Cannot find output .a of Cocoa Static Library (in xcode 4) -

i have project 2 targets, 1 cocoa static library, other accompanying test project. despite building main project in different ways on , on again, i cannot find .a file expect produce.

in fact, cannot find build folder associated project. need link library in app, cannot if can't find file link to.

  • these properties correctly set:

    (build products path) symroot = build (intermediate build files path) objroot = $(symroot) 
  • all tests pass (which means code must building right?)

  • breaking code causes build break - again suggesting building.

also, "products > libproject.a" file red in xcode project navigation

i checked deriveddata directory, seems created objects fot ocunit stuff. still no .a file against can link.

where .a file?

any appreciated.

it's in ~/library/developer/xcode/deriveddata/ somewhere.


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