jqgrid load specific rows from xml string -

i have grid load it's content xml string (editurl: "clientarray",datatype: 'xmlstring').

is possible select rows want grid load according value inside xml string? (for example:

<root> <row>     <number>1</number>     <test>546</test>     <i_u>1</i_u> </row> <row>       <number>2</number>     <test>543</test>     <i_u>2</i_u> </row> <row>       <number>4</number>     <test>544</test>     <i_u>2</i_u> </row> <row>       <number>5</number>     <test>545</test>     <i_u>1</i_u> </row> 

i want grid show rows "i_u" tag value of 1.

if possible , how can done?

thank's in advance.

you don't included jqgrid definition in question, context not clear use it. in text of question use "load", "select" , "show" verbs describe need. there possible.

if need display selected strings having i_u="1", can follow the answer , the answer define search:true , postdata parameters force filtering of data. important if has additional "search" , "refresh" buttons in navigator bar, user able reset filter , see rows. if don't has buttons user see subset of data corresponds filter postdata parameter.

look the demo.

if need load data having i_u="1" should modify xml data example respect of jquery remove <row> elements having direct children i_u !== "1". after modification can use data input jqgrid.


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