html lists - CSS using images instead of bullets -

i want use 3 different images instead of bullets create lisli>t


<ul>     <li>the dog big</li>     <li>the dog small</li>     <li>the dog medium sized</li> </ul> 

so instead of bullets before each of above phrases there different image before each.

live demo

this makes use of css property list-style-image.


<ul>     <li class="b1">the dog big</li>     <li class="b2">the dog small</li>     <li class="b3">the dog medium sized</li> </ul> 


ul {     margin: 0 0 0 32px;     line-height: 1.5 } .b1 {     list-style-image: url(; } .b2 {     list-style-image: url(; } .b3 {     list-style-image: url(; } 


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