Has anyone gotten the Liferay portal to deploy onto an Eclipse Virgo Web Server? -

i trying deploy liferay portal onto eclipse virgo web server , haven't had luck. have @ least solved 2 of problems involved in process:

1) portal.jar part of liferay dependencies has malformed manifest. bundle-symbolicname incorrectly sets value "jsr 286" when should "jsr286" (no space). also, import-package has bunch of spaces/tabs , removed those. took care of problem 1.

2) virgo web server wasn't finding liferay dependency jars (at least not putting them), stuck dependencies main liferay.war , has gotten rid of error messages.

unfortunately, didn't solve overall problem. perhaps there other issues, virgo not reporting errors.

i've looked on both liferay , virgo forums, no 1 seems have answer this, i'm hoping here has had more success me. if so, please let me know tried work.

a little more detail: used liferay-portal-6.0.5 war not bundled app server. and, i'm using virgo 2.1.0.



i got it! http://sourceforge.net/projects/liferayforvirgo. virgo 3.6.0.release demonstrates low performance , couple liferay+virgo not able use production


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