database - How do I sort events created by different clients based on a global clock? -

i have newsfeed program, , i've got many client applications (about 70) across few timezones generate events, example when secretary schedules meeting adds list on server. list served every client wants view it. each record has following metadata:

  • random unique id
  • local timestamp (yyyy:mm:dd:h:m:s:ms)

how sort these events on server, such appear in correct order submitted in? mixed since local timing doesn't match. don't have utc timestamps (can calculate these locally?), i'm wondering if can make-do information got... or should getting more information each client? noticed clients in same timezone events mixed because system time not synchronized (is possible know exact global time, or synchronize system time server on windows?)

i'm not asking code, need pointer in right direction.

when storing temporal values essential use utc. else , you're screwed. should store related timezone along utc.


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