Any faster way of copying arrays in C#? -

i have 3 arrays need combined in 1 three-dimension array. following code shows slow performance in performance explorer. there faster solution?

for (int = 0; < sortedindex.length; i++) {     if (i < num_in_left)     {             // add instance left child         leftnode[i, 0] = sortedindex[i];         leftnode[i, 1] = sortedinstances[i];         leftnode[i, 2] = sortedlabels[i];     }     else     {          // add instance right child         rightnode[i-num_in_left, 0] = sortedindex[i];         rightnode[i-num_in_left, 1] = sortedinstances[i];         rightnode[i-num_in_left, 2] = sortedlabels[i];     }                     } 


i'm trying following:

//given 3 1d arrays double[] sortedindex, sortedinstances, sortedlabels; // copy them on 3d array (forget rightnode now) double[] leftnode = new double[sortedindex.length, 3]; // magic happens here leftnode = {sortedindex, sortedinstances, sortedlabels}; 

use buffer.blockcopy. entire purpose perform fast (see buffer):

this class provides better performance manipulating primitive types similar methods in system.array class.

admittedly, haven't done benchmarks, that's documentation. works on multidimensional arrays; make sure you're specifying how many bytes copy, not how many elements, , you're working on primitive array.

also, have not tested this, might able squeeze bit more performance out of system if bind delegate system.buffer.memcpyimpl , call directly. signature is:

internal static unsafe void memcpyimpl(byte* src, byte* dest, int len) 

it require pointers, believe it's optimized highest speed possible, , don't think there's way faster that, if had assembly @ hand.


due requests (and satisfy curiosity), tested this:

using system; using system.diagnostics; using system.reflection;  unsafe delegate void memcpyimpl(byte* src, byte* dest, int len);  static class temp {     //there should generic createdelegate<t>() method... -___-     static memcpyimpl memcpyimpl = (memcpyimpl)delegate.createdelegate(         typeof(memcpyimpl), typeof(buffer).getmethod("memcpyimpl",             bindingflags.static | bindingflags.nonpublic));     const int count = 32, size = 32 << 20;      //use different buffers avoid cpu cache effects     static byte[]         asource = new byte[size], atarget = new byte[size],         bsource = new byte[size], btarget = new byte[size],         csource = new byte[size], ctarget = new byte[size];       static unsafe void testunsafe()     {         stopwatch sw = stopwatch.startnew();         fixed (byte* psrc = asource)         fixed (byte* pdest = atarget)             (int = 0; < count; i++)                 memcpyimpl(psrc, pdest, size);         sw.stop();         console.writeline("buffer.memcpyimpl: {0:n0} ticks", sw.elapsedticks);     }      static void testblockcopy()     {         stopwatch sw = stopwatch.startnew();         sw.start();         (int = 0; < count; i++)             buffer.blockcopy(bsource, 0, btarget, 0, size);         sw.stop();         console.writeline("buffer.blockcopy: {0:n0} ticks",             sw.elapsedticks);     }      static void testarraycopy()     {         stopwatch sw = stopwatch.startnew();         sw.start();         (int = 0; < count; i++)             array.copy(csource, 0, ctarget, 0, size);         sw.stop();         console.writeline("array.copy: {0:n0} ticks", sw.elapsedticks);     }      static void main(string[] args)     {         (int = 0; < 10; i++)         {             testarraycopy();             testblockcopy();             testunsafe();             console.writeline();         }     } } 

the results:

buffer.blockcopy: 469,151 ticks array.copy: 469,972 ticks buffer.memcpyimpl: 496,541 ticks  buffer.blockcopy: 421,011 ticks array.copy: 430,694 ticks buffer.memcpyimpl: 410,933 ticks  buffer.blockcopy: 425,112 ticks array.copy: 420,839 ticks buffer.memcpyimpl: 411,520 ticks  buffer.blockcopy: 424,329 ticks array.copy: 420,288 ticks buffer.memcpyimpl: 405,598 ticks  buffer.blockcopy: 422,410 ticks array.copy: 427,826 ticks buffer.memcpyimpl: 414,394 ticks 

now change order:

array.copy: 419,750 ticks buffer.memcpyimpl: 408,919 ticks buffer.blockcopy: 419,774 ticks  array.copy: 430,529 ticks buffer.memcpyimpl: 412,148 ticks buffer.blockcopy: 424,900 ticks  array.copy: 424,706 ticks buffer.memcpyimpl: 427,861 ticks buffer.blockcopy: 421,929 ticks  array.copy: 420,556 ticks buffer.memcpyimpl: 421,541 ticks buffer.blockcopy: 436,430 ticks  array.copy: 435,297 ticks buffer.memcpyimpl: 432,505 ticks buffer.blockcopy: 441,493 ticks 

now change order again:

buffer.memcpyimpl: 430,874 ticks buffer.blockcopy: 429,730 ticks array.copy: 432,746 ticks  buffer.memcpyimpl: 415,943 ticks buffer.blockcopy: 423,809 ticks array.copy: 428,703 ticks  buffer.memcpyimpl: 421,270 ticks buffer.blockcopy: 428,262 ticks array.copy: 434,940 ticks  buffer.memcpyimpl: 423,506 ticks buffer.blockcopy: 427,220 ticks array.copy: 431,606 ticks  buffer.memcpyimpl: 422,900 ticks buffer.blockcopy: 439,280 ticks array.copy: 432,649 ticks 

or, in other words: they're competitive; general rule, memcpyimpl fastest, it's not worth worrying about.


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