Sending/Streaming large files in an automated fashion via http (and avoiding the firewall) -

i've created vbscript collects event data windows machine , stores in csv file.

i want upload data via http our office server, file sizes quite large. looked @ multipart/streaming solutions, im told if initiate these file uploads programmatically, http proxies or firewalls block/deny requests?

can confirm if indeed true, , way around that? need have programmed solution in place upload files, , cant rely on end-user manually invoke upload (as understand around firewall/http proxy issue)

can or advise on matter?

i found previous answer, wasnt sure if applies me? solution programmatically imitating browser file upload request, or ask user 'pick file'?

upload files httpwebrequest (multipart/form-data)

to know if blocked have try it, if have code tried errors encounter. general advise:

compress csv before sending, gains impressive.

try use synchronising service dropbox, passes firewalls if configured.

if security not big issue , ftp port open in firewall try transfer ftp, there vbs scripts have fiddle until works.

if abolutely nothing else works can use regular browser , have script interact it. try autoit activex, don't try sendkeys.

if wanting learn, try language, more easy in language ruby has far more options use internet communication , handle proxy's etc.


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