Scala: function/method application and tuples -

i stumbled across pretty interesting behavior in scala.

scala> def foo(t: (int, int, int)): int = t._1  foo: (t: (int, int, int))int  scala> foo(1,2,3) res23: int = 1  scala> foo((1,2,3)) res24: int = 1 

this works other way round:

scala> some(1,2,3,4,5)      res31: some[(int, int, int, int, int)] = some((1,2,3,4,5)) 

while sugar extremely useful did not find documentation concerning this. question basically: documented in scala language specification, , other implications have if any.

regards, raichoo

it known automatic tupling. lodged bug against language specification, silent on matter.

here's relevant part of compiler source code.


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