python - MySQL server has gone away -

i've moved local setup shared host , i'm trying match home configuration. 1 issue popping operationalerror "mysql server has gone away". searching around internet, people come across error tended inactive space of hours. happens me between seconds.

i've confirmed using mod_wsgi's application() function example in fact running in daemon mode. 1 issue though, concerns me if spit out web.ctx.orm error log, appears new object each request. shouldn't sqlalchemy session object same between page requests?

here's python code , portion of apache setup. there cause problems on new machine hadn't had before on home machine?

def load_sqla(handler):     web.ctx.orm = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine))     try:         try:             return handler()         except web.httperror:             web.ctx.orm.commit()             raise         except:             web.ctx.orm.rollback()             raise     finally:         web.ctx.orm.commit()         # if above alone doesn't work, uncomment         # following line:         web.ctx.orm.expunge_all()  ... urls , controllers ...  app = web.application(urls, globals(), autoreload=false) app.add_processor(load_sqla) application = app.wsgifunc() 

and here's portion of apache setup.

wsgidaemonprocess app processes=1 threads=1 python-path=/home/net/ public_html/myapp wsgiprocessgroup app wsgiscriptalias /myapp /home/net/public_html/myapp/ <directory "/home/stratton/public_html/myapp">  options indexes multiviews followsymlinks  allowoverride none  order allow,deny  allow </directory>  

check docs at:

setting processes=1 leaves multiprocessing on, may why you're getting concurrent access same sql connection.

also appears you're using sqlalchemy, maybe try turning on queuepool or nullpool use when make engine?


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