.net - Need help re-creating Subsonic 2.2 / SubCommander generated table and column names -

i writing code generation templates work hand-in-hand subsonic 2.2 / subcommander generated classes / assembly. problem having subsonic using beautiful magic normalize table , column names, singluarize them, pull out extraneous characters etc..

my generated classes (must) pulling table , column names directly database schema , can imagine not match subsonic's generated "pretty" names. have tried use several combinations of subsonic.utilites classes, singularize, toproper, etc... cannot seem find right combination match subcommander outputting.

i able copy of subcommander 2.0 source code , took through there did not have luck in fiding normalization of names happening. me find right combination of utility methods subcommander uses generate table , column names?

if makes difference not using special "switches" subsonic in app.config on subcommander side except fixpluralclassnames="true".

take @ tableschema.cs, interested in following 2 items

  1. the setter columnname in tablecolumn class, calls transformpropertyname

  2. the setter tablename in abstracttableshema class, calls transformclassname

there few other calls normalize fk , relationships, 2 above should class/property names match subsonic.


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