interop - C# - How can I get a text range from WordPad by sending the EM_GETTEXTRANGE message? -

i'm having trouble getting text range running instance of wordpad. have gotten following windows messages work wordpad without problem: wm_gettext, wm_gettextlength, em_replacesel, em_getsel, , em_setsel. i'm not having luck em_gettextrange message though.

in c# test app have code runs @ startup looks running instance of wordpad, searches it's child windows window class name richedit50w. window send messages to. again, of messages have sent window work fine except em_gettextrange. after sending em_gettextrange, marshal.getlastwin32error returns 5, msdn says error_access_denied. below of interop code. can please me solve problem? thanks!

const uint wm_user = 0x0400; const uint em_gettextrange = wm_user + 75;

[structlayout(layoutkind.sequential)] struct charrange {   public int min;   public int max; }  [structlayout(layoutkind.sequential, charset = charset.unicode)] struct textrange {   public charrange charrange;   [marshalas(unmanagedtype.lpwstr)]   public string text; }  [dllimport("user32", charset = charset.unicode, setlasterror = true)] extern static int sendmessage(intptr hwnd, uint msg, int wparam, ref textrange lparam);  public static string gettextrange(intptr wnd, int min, int max) {   textrange textrange = new textrange();   textrange.charrange.min = min;   textrange.charrange.max = max;   textrange.text = new string('\0', max - min);    int length = sendmessage(wnd, em_gettextrange, 0, ref textrange);   int error = marshal.getlastwin32error();    return error == 0 ? textrange.text : string.empty; } 

i found answer own problem. when calling sendmessage targeting window in process, parameters have allocated in target process memory messages >= wm_user. needed can done pinvoking functions virtualallocex, virtualfreeex, readprocessmemory, , writeprocessmemory. brought in question @ how use em_gettextrange writeprocessmemory , readprocessmemory, didn't think applicable doing because didn't understand problem.


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