PHP to ASP.Net conversion -

i converting old php porject on (vb) , wondered if point me in right direction in order convert final snippet of code.

there 3 functions called within , ahve converted , honest session arrays giving me headache.

i have thought using hashtables , direccasting confusing me further.

any apreciated.

$response = array();  $messages = array();  if (!empty($_post['cbox'])) {      if (!empty($_session['opsd_user_'.$_post['cbox']])) {         $messages = $_session['opsd_user_'.$_post['cbox']];     } } else  {      if (!empty($_post['blist']) && $_post['blist'] == 1) { getblist(); }      if (!empty($_post['initialize']) && $_post['initialize'] == 1) {          getstatus();           if (!empty($_session['opsd_sessionvars'])) {             $response['initialize'] = $_session['opsd_sessionvars'];              if (!empty($_session['opsd_sessionvars']['opencbid']) && !empty($_session['opsd_user_'.$_session['opsd_sessionvars']['opencbid']])) {             $messages = array_merge($messages,$_session['opsd_user_'.$_session['opsd_sessionvars']['opencbid']]);             }         }     } else {          if (empty($_session['opsd_sessionvars'])) {             $_session['opsd_sessionvars'] = array();         }          if (!empty($_post['sessionvars'])) {             ksort($_post['sessionvars']);         } else {             $_post['sessionvars'] = '';         }          if (!empty($_post['updatesession']) && $_post['updatesession'] == 1) {              $_session['opsd_sessionvars'] = $_post['sessionvars'];         }          if ($_session['opsd_sessionvars'] != $_post['sessionvars']) {             $response['updatesession'] = $_session['opsd_sessionvars'];         }      }      getlasttimestamp();     fetchmessages(); } 

i think you're looking session , request.form properties of page. simple find/replace of $_session session in page should work wonders, should replacement of $_post request.form.


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