java - Web Interface or Graphic UI -

hey, i've simple question.

task: program backup system can used server-, or desktop-systems. backup system should include graphical configuration , status view. programming language should java.

question: use web interface, solve these jobs or create gui in swing?

my thoughts: - web interface has advantage is accessible everywhere (server - configuration made easy without additional software on client side). - gui has advantage more responsive web interface , maybe more professional on desktop-system than, web interface version.

which solution whould choose?


the desktop vs. web app discussion depends on use application, , where. if it's going used person sitting @ desk (or @ desk of server), desktop application choice. if user may remote web application way go.

another consideration deployment. going deployed on 1 or 2 machines, or need installed / available 10's, 100's or 1000's of users? deployment , updates across hundreds of machines can onerous desktop applications, non-issue web-based apps.

generally speaking, can give richer experience desktop app. in case, however, "rich" isn't requirement. you're going have few buttons, perhaps window showing log of sort, , that's it. usability perspective can create compelling ui using either method.

if deployment , rich ui don't factor in, pick 1 either a) know well, can job, or b) want learn assuming have time.

since actual question asked "which choose", i'd choose desktop gui based on little information provided in question.


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