iphone - memory leak when JPEG, not when PNG -

my application aims @ saving user photos in pdf file in order send file email. produce small size pdf, want compress images in jpeg. when draw jpeg pdf context, pdf file indeed smaller when use png, use of jpeg leaks.

for debugging added jpeg , png file project.

the following call leaks :

uiimage * destimage = [uiimage imagenamed:@"image.jpg"]; [destimage drawinrect:drawingframe]; 

whereas 1 not :

uiimage * destimage = [uiimage imagenamed:@"image.png"]; [destimage drawinrect:drawingframe]; 

is there i'm missing ? know issue ?

i'm thinking workaround consist in using png representations of images , set specific compression option pdf generate, did not find in pdf generation sdk.

do have idea ? in advance.


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