html - How do I import text from a user generated .txt-file to a div with PHP? -

this first experience php, bare me.

i've made ecard using flash , dreamweaver. on ecard form fill out, name, email, comment, , name , email person sending ecard to. ( when push "submit"-button sends email receiver, , creates .txt file on server info.

the .txt-file has unique name generated by:

$mailcount  = $_post['me_count']; $sendername = $_post['me_name']; $senderemail= $_post['me_email']; $sendercomm = nl2br($_post['me_com']); $date       = date("l js f h:i:s"); $tosubject  = "email $sendername via $webname"; $emailbody  = ""; $emailcount = 0;   $createecard = date(u); $filename = $createecard.".txt"; $sendername = stripslashes($fromname); $sendercomm = stripslashes($sendercomm); $id = stripslashes($id);  $today = (date ("l ds of f y ( h:i:s )",time()));  $created="ecard created on $today";  $ecardnum = $ecardselect;  $ecardtext = "&sendername=$sendername&fromemail=$fromemail&comment=$sendercomm&created=$created";   $fp = fopen( "./formtext/$filename","w");  fwrite($fp, $ecardtext, 10000);  fclose( $fp ); 

in email there's link "page2" want comment form display in or in flash-text field, (

the problem don't know how import user generated text in .txt-file div on page 2..

i hope understand want do. if not, can try describe things don't understand bit more.

thank you


you'll need send filename in link param. , php file need read param, , open appropriate file.

something along likes of

the link

and php

$filename = isset($_get['file']) ? $_get['file'] : ''; $card = ''; if (file_exists($filename)) {    $card = file_get_contents($filename); }  

now have card contents variable, can display wherever want.

note example. few things have keep in mind

  1. this allow people @ other files unless send kind of security token (people can change file @ else's card)

  2. you should sanitizing filename bit path of file points directory want. remove stuff '../' in path.


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