coldfusion - Does VAR scope in function really get Garbage collected quickly if the reference is shared? -
if have function say
<cfcomponent name="details"> <cffunctiion name="getdetails" access="public" returntype="struct"> <cfscript> var mydetails = {}; mydetails.fname='lilly'; mydetails.lname ='flower'; </cfscript> <cfreturn mydetails > </cffunction> </cfcomponent>
now call function , return session variable
<cfset session.mydetails = details.getdetails()>
what here reference of structure mydetails (since complex object) function. believe reference point same memory location created when called function , variable created inside it.
so var scope garbage collected since have reference still pointing memory location through new session.mydetails variable!!!
when return value object, it's not returned reference. try this:
<cfcomponent name="details"> <cffunction name="getdetails" access="public" returntype="struct"> <cfscript> var mydetails = {}; mydetails.fname='lilly'; mydetails.lname ='flower'; mydetails.timestamp = gettickcount(); </cfscript> <cfreturn mydetails /> </cffunction> </cfcomponent>
<cfset myobject = createobject("component", "testcomponent") /> <cfset mydetails = myobject.getdetails() /> <cfdump var="#mydetails#" label="first request" /> <cfset otherdetails = myobject.getdetails() /> <cfdump var="#mydetails#" label="after second request" /> <cfdump var="#otherdetails#" label="otherdetails second request" />
you'll notice first , second dumps mydetails same, means second request, variable set "otherdetails" not change original value in "mydetails". means structure returned, , assigned variable, byvalue instead of byreference.
with being said, original local variable in component should garbage collected @ same time component instance itself, while struct sitting in session won't garbage collected until session does.
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