coldfusion ajax jquery cross-domain -

i'm new cross-browser ajax issues. i'm using following code, doesn't work if cfc on domain , need rewrite it.

$.getjson(cfroot + "/series.cfc?method=getsrdetailedtable&returnformat=json&queryformat=column", {"seriesid":seriesid,"inserttempdata":true}, function(res,code) {     //code here }); 

i've played examples ben nadel , few others, can't happening. constructive examples or hugely appreciated. doesn't need use getjson(). can post too. tend use getjson out of habit. in scenario, function performs calculations , updates table. doesn't data.

the cfc huge, following first line:

<cffunction name="getsrdetailedtable" output="false" returntype="query" access="remote"> 

i'm not sure understood question, noticed "another domain", if case here's need read crossdomain ajax calls, possibilities , limitations:


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