c# - Graphic transformations -

i'm working data (stuff sin/cosin waves, etc) repeat frequency m. i've written simple display control takes data , paints connected lines represent data in pretty picture.

my question is, data given if painted onto bitmap, quadrant 1 data in quadrant 3 , quadrant 2 data in quadrant 4 (and vice versa).

the bitmap of width m , hight array.max - array.min.

is there simple transform changing data display in appropriate quadrants?

a way of thinking (0,0) in world coordinates divided between

(0,0), (width, 0), (0,height), (width, height)

which (width/2, height/2) in image coordinates.

from there, transform be:

data(x,y) => x = abs(x - (width/2)), y = abs(y - (height/2)) 


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