articles's title list generated by drupal views module don't have title tip -

i used views module genereate articles title list, when put mouse hover on article's title .three isn't tip of node title. html code this

 <div class="views-field-title">  <span class="field-content">   <a href="/resell.html">resell</a>   </span>   </div> 

there no title= "", label in


label,my views setting add title field , checked l"ink field node." right? how make node title tip show when put mouse hover on article's title.

the drupal version 6, views module version 6.x-2.12

instead of "link field node" use "output field link" , set alt text nid. this:

  1. add field of nid
  2. drag field top of list , set exclude display
  3. set "output field link" , link path "node/[nid]"
  4. then set alt text [title]

alternatively if title attribute required manually add template file. see template edit click theme: information in basic settings page. copy tpl name , code active themes directory , add title attribute.


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