windows - How to get working directory hash acknowledging all uncommitted changes? -

part of software build process includes getting hash of working directory parent c++ string inclusion in "version" output. done using hg identify -i global revision id, , copying output .h file inclusion. in windows batch file:

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion /f "tokens=1 delims=;=" %%a in ('hg identify -i') (   echo const std::string revision^(_t^("%%a"^)^); > rev.h ) 

which output file:

const std::string revision(_t("3b746fd492c6")); 

if working directory has uncommitted changes, hash has + appended, making string "3b746fd492c6+". allows me check whether version of software have built controlled or not - if string includes + software not reproducible repository.

however, hg identify adds + denote uncommitted changes, not recognised untracked files. if commit changes forget add all-important "do stuff" class, hg identify not indicate this.

so question is: how can required functionality?
how can simulate hg identify recognising new , removed files?

ideally not have use extensions, consider them option.


following on oben sonne's suggestion of using combination of hg st , hg id -r . have come following batch file produces quite nice result:

@echo off set repomods= /f %%a in ('hg st -n') set repomods=+  /f "tokens=1 delims=;=" %%a in ('hg identify -i -r .') (   echo const std::string revision^(_t^("%%a%repomods%"^)^); > rev.h ) 

%repomods% empty unless there in output of hg st, in case +. i've done few tests , seems work.

is there solution requires less faffing in batch files? or best i'll get?

how checking if output of hg st empty? if not, add + version (if not given hg id).

update: prevent double + issue, run hg id -r ., never gives trailing +.


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