Website backups on Amazon s3 -

edit: have changed question.

i want use amazon s3 backups , looking debian lenny software (or php script) allow me achieve need. flash games website:

  1. upload files , subdirectories specified directories, uploading files added/changed (overwrites old files on s3).
  2. perform database dump , upload s3, keeping 7 previous dumps.
  3. lightweight , easy use
  4. it has possible run cron job
  5. should work on debian lenny

anything matches these specifications?

the php script website 2 backup want :

  1. backup amazon s3
  2. incremental backup of files, new , modified files backuped, deleted files listed.
  3. backup of database, auto clean of old archives
  4. clean , easy setup ajax administration
  5. it runs cron job

and more, data encrypted on serveur, data recovery few clicks....


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