UIwebview loader on iphone -

this code works fine , show activityindicator loading , hide after loading lets if on loading stage , go apps quit , how avoid this

if go withiut site loaded quits ( think activityindicator culprit)


- (void)webviewdidstartload:(uiwebview *)webview {     [activityindicator startanimating];    // mylabel.hidden = false; } - (void)webviewdidfinishload:(uiwebview *)webview {     [activityindicator stopanimating];     activityindicator.hideswhenstopped=true;     //mylabel.hidden = true; } // implement viewdidload additional setup after loading view, typically nib. - (void)viewdidload {      self.title=@"kkh website";      [super viewdidload];     nsurl *requesturl = [nsurl urlwithstring:@"http://www./index.html"];     nsurlrequest *requestobj = [nsurlrequest requestwithurl:requesturl];     [aww loadrequest:requestobj];      } 

** updates

if link uiwebview delegate fileowner creating isuee , need delegate since want show loading

i forgot release webview :( [aww release]; fixed


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